Admission Details


The registration forms for admission to all classes will be available from the office along with the prospectus at a cost of Rs 200/- each. The duly filled forms will be deposited at the school office, which will remain open from 8.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

Age Requirement (as on 31st March)

  • Nursery: 3+ years
  • K.G.: 4+ years
  • Ist: 5+ years

Registration fee is non-refundable and registration is no guarantee for admission. Only the registered candidates will be called for an admission test/interview except the candidates of Nursery. The test will be held in the 1st week of April every year in English, Hindi & Maths subjects, of the standard of the class passed.

The application for registration will be accepted up to 25th March every year.


Admission will be made strictly on the basis of merit of the entrance test & interview that depends on the vacant seats. The candidate will be granted admission after depositing the school fee.

Documents Required for Admission

  • A birth certificate up to 4th standard.
  • SLC/Transfer certificate of the previous school from 5th standard.
  • TC/Affidavit attested by 1st class magistrate up to IV standard.
  • Two passport size photographs.

Payment of Fee & Timings

Fees is to be paid for all 12 months. Fee can be paid by the 10th date of every month. A late fee of Rs.5/- per day will be charged till the 20th of the month. The name will be struck off after that if the fee is not paid by the 20th of every month.

Fees once paid will not be refunded in any case. Re-admission can be had on the payment of Rs. 500 as an admission fee.