Career Counselling

Career Counselling Image

Few careers are as potentially rewarding or as frustrating as that of a counselor, especially at the senior level, as this is the time when youngsters need to start thinking about their future careers, which requires a lot of focus and mature thinking. Unfortunately, this is also the time when they go through a lot of confusions and emotional upheavals. Each one is trying to find their identity while at the same time trying not to be the odd one out. A Guidance counselor tries to understand what motivates each student, as well as their skills and desires.

The team of counselors and therapists at H.D. Sr. Sec. Public School, Kheri Meham, Rohtak, has many years of experience working with children and young people in various schools. All our counselors are qualified and have been trained by organizations offering recognized accreditation for counselors, such as Delhi University, and have been trained in leading mental health institutions such as VIMHANS in India and similar organizations abroad. Our counselors work in tandem with the students, their parents, and teachers to achieve the best state of mind possible in the present turbulent academic, personal, and social life.

The counselors are not only approachable to all those who come with their set of issues and problems, but they go that extra mile to reach out to the anxious young minds. We understand that parents have enormous expectations from their wards, which our team here understands well and are suitably equipped to handle and advise them on the right course to take.

Career & Guidance Cell

Career guidance starts at grade IX. At this stage, students are encouraged to learn about and get information about various job profiles, which helps them to develop an awareness of the world of work.